Friday, July 25, 2008

The Stock Market

The stock market fascinates me. I have been investing for several years now, and i'm just kinda dumbfounded at how the whole system works. But it seems the more I dive into it the more it seems like it's ALL speculation and what have you done for me lately.

One day you'll hear the market was down big because existing home sales are lower than they expected, and then the next day it's up big on good news about new home sales... (but what about the existing home sales that had you pissing your pants yesterday?) The market to me seems like 4 year old who can't make up their mind about anything. I have my portfolio setup with Google Finance so I can see the daily fluctuations (i.e. me losing lots of our 401k monies lately.. well not lots.. but it's in the negative ytd). I just need to stop looking at it and go with the flow.. or so I'm told.

I guess it's just tough for some people to ride out the rough patches. I haven't been pulling money out of any funds or accounts (like some of my coworkers).


Anonymous said...

the stock market = gay. not gay like homosexual, but gay like bad at sports.

Chad said...

Aren't you bad at sports though *shrug*?