I took Holden fishing yesterday in a monsoon. It poured when we loaded up into the car, and the entire drive over the the fishin' hole. We stopped and got some worms & a few more hooks for Holden's spiderman fishing rod he got for his birthday. He was excited mostly when we got the worms.. holding the worms was a big deal.
We get there and the rain has stopped.. the sun has come out and we got to work. Holden was very good at ripping the worms apart, and he was cool about letting me put the worm on the hook.
We have been practicing casting in the yard, so he already had a good grasp of how to cast. Mrs. Mary was out there watching us and had no idea... Holden pulled the rod back, and flung his hook and bobber about 20 feet out into the water. "Wow.. he casts better than me!" is all she could say.
After about 5 minutes of nibbles and bites Holden hooks his first fish.. a little Sun fish.. Holden laughed and giggled as he reeled it in and was very proud of his first fish of the day. It was pouring down rain at this point, but Reid was there and brought an umbrella out for us to keep dry (sort of).
Holden caught 3 fish total.. one got off the hook as soon as Holden started pulling it out of the water. It was the biggest fish of the day, but Holden was just happy to be out there casting and playing with the two monster horse sized dogs that were next to us. We had a blast though.. I think this fishing thing is something we are going to start to do more of.