Friday, November 28, 2008


We hosted Thanksgiving this year (as we did last year) and it went off without a hitch! The food was really good, everybody who came seemed to have a good time. After dinner we played a little Trivial Pursuit (Pop Trivia 2 DVD Edition) which took forever until Maria and I finally won.

Earlier in the day I took Holden with me over to Fruitland Baptist Church here a few blocks away to help serve those less fortune than ourselves. I wasn't too sure if bringing Holden was going to be a good move or not. I was afraid he wouldn't have anything to do or wouldn't be willing or able to do anything useful.. boy was I wrong! As soon as we walked in the place was slammed. There were a lot of people coming and going... filling to-go containers to take to homes or centers where people aren't able to get out and about.

A nice older lady stopped us and introduced herself. She was sort of "in-charge" I guess you could say. She asked Holden if he wanted to help and you should have seen his face light up! He followed her over to a table covered in boxes of cornbread muffins. His job was to take a muffin out of the box, and put it in a small zip-lock bag and then set it in another box. When he started I didn't think he would stick with it or want to do it for any extended period of time... but he probably bagged 150-200 muffins! He had several friends from Church there alongside him, so that probably helped. It was a little bit funny, all the people walking by patting him on the back and giving him props for working so hard... made me proud.

I helped working the assembly line, putting the meals together for the folks who were taking them out into the community. I wish I could have done more, but I was glad to have even just a small part in serving over 1,400 thanksgiving dinners.

What I liked seeing the most was how excited Holden was to be there helping out. Although when he hit the last bag he made no qualms to tell me that we were going home. I can't wait until all the kids can take part in events like this. I think it's great to keep your kids grounded and hopefully recognize how they shouldn't take for granted the things they have.

I hope everyone out there in internet land had a great Thanksgiving as well.


Trish said...

Chad I grew up in that church and it is a wonderful thing that they do each year. The people there are amazing. I am so glad that Holden got a chance to help out. What a great way to spend a holiday!

Anonymous said...

man that's awesome.