Tuesday, November 04, 2008

President Barack Hussein Obama

Yes, I typed his full name above. Are we over the fact that yes, his father was a Muslim and gave his son a Muslim name? If he actually was a Muslim would it have been an issue that would have kept him out of the Oval Office? (Magic 8 Ball Says "YES"). Is it some sort of law that our Presidents always have to be Christian? (Which Obama is, no matter what those emails you probably got over the past year said otherwise).

I was going to type up some long post about my feelings now that the election is over. But that will come at another time. While I'm excited to see Obama win, I am also at the same time anxious to see how he governs. Is he all talk and no substance? Can he really unite the country? I feel like he has all the makings of being a great President, but only time will tell. Too bad for all those "real americans" out there, they must be shellshocked.


Tember said...

I think we're seeing him unite the country in an amazing way now. I'm excited to see what the future brings.

Maria said...

I have cried twice this morning because I am so excited! Twice--OUT OF JOY!

Anonymous said...

You should have been at my work today.... Some of my customers are the most bigoted, racist people you would ever meet. The things that came out of some of their mouths today made me embarrassed to even been in the same room with them, let alone be of the same race. The amazing thing about all of it is that they have no idea, nor care, to find out what Obama is really about or what he stands for. All they see is the color of his skin and nothing else. It took everything inside of me to keep my mouth shut - to not point out that he won by electoral as well as the popular vote by a LANDSLIDE! Some people will never get it.... what a shame for them. Shani

Anonymous said...

the only bad thing about it is, when things don't change in the first 90 days, everyone will just blame him. It will probably take two terms to straighten out this mess we are in, but he is going to be expected to "fix" it now. I don't envy him....but I know we picked the best one for the job. I believe in him. Mom