6:01 -- Holden crawls into bed between Maria and I
6:02 -- Holden kick each of us in the backs and giggles and nuzzles under the covers
6:03 - 6:20 -- Maria and I are pelted with questions about random things Holden has on his mind, we retort with "be quiet or you're going back into your bed"
6:30 -- Maria and I can't take it anymore and I get up to turn on the Disney Channel (usually that clown show.. can't think of it ATM... and the TV is already set on Disney from the night before, because if we don't the first thing Holden will see is "Girls Gone Wild" commercials (because we watch the Daily Show and Colbert Report on comedy central before bed, and that's what's on comedy central @ 6:30 in the morn.))
7:00 -- the alarm blares some random reggae song we've never heard before, and Holden springs up to hit the snooze button so his dad can get an extra 10 minutes of sleep. Usually shortly after that Holden come in and tell me Larry is awake while I lay there super excited to be waking up to go to work.
It's hard to see Holden growing up so fast.. and it's true what people say.. kids sure do grow up fast. Each night before I go to be I go in to check on all of them and it's amazing how much kids change in such a short amount of time. Maria occasionally goes to baltimore for 2 or 3 days streteches and I swear I feel like I've missed a ton.
My favorite time with Holden is our evening talks. It's just Holden and Daddy time and we talk about his day, and lately he's been asking me alot about my day at work. Sometimes we talk for 15-20 minutes (Holden always tries to stretch it out even longer.. but I gotta draw the line somewhere or the boy would never go to sleep.)
Happy Birthday Buddy, I love you. Your Mommy and I are so blessed to have you.
1 comment:
I put him to bed at 11:30 so that he would sleep until 8-8:30 - YEAH!! So many questions with that little man - but his memory is fantastic! Such a joy to be around that kid - you and Maria have done a great job....
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