Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Dr. V

So I had my dreaded visit with my new Dentist (from here on out Dr. V).. I have some crappy teeth.. several of them are in bad shape.. and I'm going to need several more fillings and one more needs to be removed.

I say one more because I just had one ripped from my mouth today @ 2:50 pm. I wasn't in any pain... He numbed me up really good (topical numbing.. then like 3 or 4 needles in my gums) He did a filling then had to yank my #2 tooth all the way in the back.. which wasn't a big deal anyway because there wasn't even a tooth below it so it didn't do anything anyway. The most uncomfortable thing was when Dr. V was cranking on my teeth I could feel my jaw bone flexing and I thought my face was going to split in half... but luckily it didn't.

Best part is I get to go back on August 7th to get the one on the other side yanked and another filling. I figured it's best to get all of this work done now, instead of waiting for it to get worse. I wasn't in any pain.. but any more waiting wasn't gonna do me any good.

Goodbye delicious soda... you will be missed


Unknown said...

I guess it's better than a root canal...or dentures right? Regardless, it sounds unpleasant. Needles and jaw bone flexing...ick.

Anonymous said...

Guess you should drink that fluoridated water, huh?

Chad said...

yeah, I have starting doing that... no more soda either.. gatorade, water & milk

Anonymous said...

here's the deal, my teeth are horrible. I believe God heals people. I have heard, seen, and experienced healings. I wonder though, if teeth are indeed part of the body that God made, does He heal teeth? I am pretty sure I've never heard of anyone's teeth being healed - that would be HARDCORE AWESOME! <>< Jh

Maria said...

Yeah, let's have Justin over to lay hands on your teeth! I bet God heals teeth.