Wednesday, July 18, 2007


I was going to spell the title of this blog "board" as an ode to my friend Davey, but I didn't want people to think I actually thought that was the right use of the wrong word.

I have been cranking out the work at work lately....only one downside to that. I get bored with nothing to do.. and the day drags on and on.

We had coconut cake here at work for Mark's birthday, we actually have a party each month for birthdays here at work. I have always hated coconut cake, except when Wayne's wife makes it. She must shred those freakers by hand cause it's really good, not that nasty, tasteless sawdust chips that most coconut cakes remind me of. I must find the secret recipe.

I started my own video production company called "STEW*art PRODUCTIONS" lame title I know.. but it's something to attach to my work.

I am getting very excited to meet this new little one we will have in our midst in the next 2 weeks or so. Maria is fairly sure it's a boy.. but I've been saying girl all along. If it is a girl then we are done having kids.. but if it's a boy I MAY give Maria one more shot at having another girl (that she wants so bad).

I have a ton of work to do around the yard to get it ready for Holden's blowout B-day party. Hard to believe the little guy is already turning 3 and is getting to be so opinionated and hardheaded. For all of that though, he is a very well behaved and thoughtful boy.. and when he does something and gets in trouble he takes his timeouts like a champ and really truly means it when he apologizes for, say: shoving his brother into the corner of a table, or smacking the back of Maria's leg with a piece of wood.


Amanda said...

i'm bored at work too. that's just what happens when you're the awesomest employee.

dont be so aspinine about daveys speling chalenges.

Anonymous said...

so the other day i fell asleep at work, i'm calling it a nap. There I was, in my chair, reading from the Gospel of Mark and sleep straight up overcame me. I think I slept for a good half-hour, I'm blaming the entire incident on Gloria, and then I got to I stealing time from God because I work at a church and I took a little nap? In my defense, I work way more than 40 hrs. a week, and also in my defense I woke up everytime the phone rang, so yeah, no more naps on the JOB.

Anonymous said...

your blogs really do encompass alot of thoughts...from coconut cake to kids.

Yes, Holden is a pretty compliant little guy....until he gets around his cousin...and then the two of them terroize their grandmother!
Just them to pieces! Happy 3rd birthday, Holden boy!!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to hear Holden has acquired his good traits from his father. Good luck with the party. Happy Birthday, Holden.