Wednesday, June 11, 2008

And The Reviews Are In

I work for a company that is very good to it's employees. This is the first job I've had where they actually give you a performance review every year, then a subsequent raise depending on how the board votes (without having to ask... how refreshing!).

Well I had my 2 year review today and it went fairly amazing. You sometimes don't know how these will go, and this one was basically 100% positive.. a bit of a surprise. I was floored by the scores I got in a lot of areas, not that I didn't think I made some good progress this year and that I didn't work my tail off.. I was just surprised by how high some of my review scores were.

Part of the fun (if you can call it that) of our reviews is the fact that we have to critique ourselves, tell the reviewer what we feel we deserve, then he/she tells us what the average of our 3 reviews was. On a scale of 4 (1 being "you're fired", to 4 being "you're the new president of the company"). My overall average is just short of "exceptional".. a 2.79... my average last year was a 2.38. So this is a very nice bump up and I am waiting patiently to see what happens to my next paycheck.


Anonymous said...

When Justin got his first review at church under the appearance category, they sketched in a little box marked acceptable. From that day forward we knew he had to stop wearing jeans at the pulpit. Every now and then he will sneak a pair of cargo's in just to rile the old timers up ;)

Anonymous said...

chad, i give your blog a 3.89. your kids cute factor gets a 4.00. after next weekends bbq, i will rate your grilling ability on said scale.

Anonymous said...

Chad, I am impressed. I don't know much about what you do at work, but you sure do alot of neat stuff around the house, so I figure you are pretty talented.

congratulations...and thanks for taking such nifty care of "my" family. (I like that word "nifty")

Chad said...

I got the raised I expected so I'm pretty happy with everything.. now I gotta start learning building codes this year... not much fun :(