Tuesday, May 06, 2008


Read above, this is just a test to show you that hyper linking works just fine

and this don't forget this


Tember said...

Damn, rickrolled again. I love that man's pants.

Chad said...

he's a handsome man. I've been rickrolling everyone here at the office, and this one guy in the same area as me... I turned up his speakers on his computer when he was away and sent him a pop-up with the link in it... boy the whole place erupted in laughter when he was blasted by the Rickroll.

It took him a good 15 seconds fumbling around finding the volume control. It was HILL-AIRIE-OUSSS

Chad said...

Maria rickrolled Pearl the other day and she ended up grooving to the beat. Not the response we had in mind.

Tember said...

Rickrolled Pearl? That is awesome. I'm gonna start rickrolling the neonates at work.