Thursday, May 29, 2008

A Simple List

Ok, I know I will get some grief for this and that's ok... I get grief for a lot of things so this will be nothing new. But with the trip to Missouri coming up I feel like something important I will need will be forgotten. I have (at times) let Maria pack for me.. and she often forgets something that.. while usually not important... drive me crazy.

Random things that come to mind that Maria has neglected to pack for me (over the past 5 years)

(Will pack the razor, but not the shaving cream?)

I always say "That's it! You aren't packing for me anymore!" but my lazy side wins out and I just let her pack for me anyway... not bothering to check if she forgot anything I might need or might think I might possibly could need.

One thing I need to bring is my cell phone charger. Today I spent some of my lunchtime getting a haircut (actually I got them all cut.. HAR!) and I had a fantastic stylist named "Baby Joy". How much do you tip when you are throughly pleased with your haircut? I gave her $4... thought about $5... am I in the ballpark? I also stumbled across some blogs of people I "know" and it's pretty wild how many people you know or knew in a past life now take part in the blogging universe.. it's bigger than any of us realize.. we are the internet

OK, mood recovery mode for the significant other... I loved our little slow dance last night in the kitchen.. the best use of that under the cabinet radio yet. Someday I will burn that CD of NPR Podcasts you have stockpiled. I will also buy you flowers again someday for no other reason other than being mad crazy in love with you.

There... I feel like I finished pretty strong there... dog house averted... (I hope)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

just one thought....who the heck names their kid "Baby Joy"...or is that just an excuse, Chad, to call her "baby"?? hmmmmm.

you all better watch my grandkids in that Missouri wilderness! I will be worrying about them....but have a great time!
