Thursday, December 25, 2008

3 Little Pieces of Paper

So this year Maria and I decided to not get each other presents.... which of course isn't a big deal when you are an adult, as you can typically just go out and buy whatever suits your fancy throughout the year. It was sort of weird though... waking up on Christmas morning with nothing to open. Maria and I are in debt pay off mode... as all of our christmas money and most of my bonus check from work is going towards bills. While this is not the use those who gave us this money might have intended, I just know that in the long run... when we are debt free (I mean the bad type of debt... credit cards... un-needed loans) things will be so much easier.

So Maria and I gave each other "coupons" that we can use at any time for things that we know the other likes. It will be nice when I have that morning that I want to sleep in to use my "sleep in until the cows come home" coupon... I haven't slept in past 8:00am in at least 4 years (Yikes!).

The kids had a great morning... we didn't get them a ton of stuff (they get plenty between the 4 different family stops) and through the mail from my family back in Missouri. Larry has been super sweet with his guitar... dragging it everywhere he goes banging it on everyone and everything left in his wake. I don't think the paint job is going to last too long at this rate on that sucker.

Holden got a leapster which he is really getting into. We got him a couple of games... Dora the Explorer, Backyardigans & a math shooter game. He took it with him in the car to Grandma's and played it the whole way. Of course on the way home he fires it up and not even 5 minutes later we can still hear the game music... but look back to find Holdy asleep with the game barely sticking to his fingertips. Nobody had naps so everyone was exhausted.

Pearl got a barbie from her Great Grandma that she really likes! This is her first exposure to Barbie but so far so good... I'm sure it's the first of many.

Delilah really had no interest in opening presents... she did get a giggling baby that she loves to run around with and make laugh.

Overall (besides me having what I guess you could call a hybrid tension/migrane headache) the family had a good time. Maria tolerated my mom, tony & family (complete with a 60+ year old lady passed out on the couch) and the kids got some sweet schwag there too.

Here's a song I'm listening to at the moment

Bring on New Years!


Anonymous said...

i love the Almost. their 5 song EP "no gift to bring" was Aaron Gilespie's Christmas present to me!

Chad said...

I wish he would get me something... either a 5 song EP or maybe something like a 50" plasma tv?