Sunday, September 16, 2007

Company Yacht

Not really. Me and the fam went down to our local Nassawango shelter and had some fun. They have a big playground full of Russian children and a shelter full of Orange Sunkist Sodas & Crabs. I took Holden, Larry & Pearl out on a two-seater kayak.

I had a hell of a time getting out of the kyak... I almost fell out into the water. I probably missed the funniest thing I would have seen in months... my buddy Ed doing that exact thing.


Anonymous said... took my grandchildren in a kayak? on the water? with life preservers, I hope! Yes, I bet it was funny trying to get outta the kayak.....but I'm picturing Holden, Larry and Pearl in a kayak that turns over and you not able to get out of know how I worry!

I sure can put a damper on fun days out with the kids, huh?

Chad said...

Yes, I wore a lifepreserver.. we didn't have any small enough for the kids... what do you think we are, responsible parents???

Just kidding. We borrwoed life jackets for the kids that fit them and I only took one out with me at a time. The river was very calm and serene and the kids loved it.

When I would take one back to the dock, there was always someone there to help me unload and re-load the child into the kayak.

I only had a hard time getting out of it after the kids were already out and pack up playing on the playground.