I found my way back to my blog. I don't necessarily have anything noteworthy or groundbreaking to entertain the 4 people who read this. I've noticed lately that i'm a terrible speller. My internet browser reminds me of this daily (because it has a built in spell checker, yo). I'm one of those cool kids who refuses to use a Microsoft product unless I have to (
example). I used to bag on my boy dave about his spelling, but I think I'm losing function of that part of the brain or something.
And I would like to announce that my daughter is officially the cutest baby in the country. (It's official, so please no comments to the contrary.. see below for proof)

Oh, and Larry is quite possibly the future emperor of the galaxy, or something
Larry and I laughed out Loud at his picture! But really Larry's laugh was much more of a knowing cackle...hmmmm?
i have been reading about your borked toe over and over again for the past month just waiting for something new - thanks to the pictures you didn't disappoint! holla!
Glad to see you back. I too kept re-reading about borked toes.
wow, this is phunny!!!! and i'm so happy you finally have a new blog post!
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