Yeah... tell me you know someone other than me that can manage to BREAK HIS FREAKING TOE getting out of bed in the morning. I've never broken any bones before, so this is sort of a big deal. And being that I broke a bone in my foot means that walking around SUCKS DONKEY NUTS. I'm having to walk around like a wounded duck waddling around the place, having people feel sorry for me and whatnot.
Here's how it went down. The alarm went off.. so I jump up and lean out of the bed on my left leg (I put the alarm clock out of reach.. cause if I don't I'll never get up). I still basically have my right leg in the bed and when I go to put my right foot down I completely and utterly fall flat on my face.. accompanied by a nice little "snap". My right leg was asleep and I didn't even realize it until it was too late. Refer to my "MAD" paint skills for a re-enactment.
So I lay there for a minute still trying to wake up and take in what the hell just happened. My leg is still asleep and I think I just broke my foot. Then I get that rush of nausea which I hear accompanies a broken bone... and I just lay there till that passes.
Being cheap I'm playing doctor here.. no need to pay 200 bucks for some MD to tell me that I broke my little toe. I sure would like some crutches though...
At least I got a guitar... :)
1 comment:
Poor thing. I've dealt with broken toes in the clinics I work me if you want some pointers.
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