So I've had roughly 4 or 5 jobs since college, most of them crap (probably all of them crap up until the one I have now). I was thinking about how there is now way I will ever go back to my last job to say hi to my old co-workers. It's not because I don't like them, I do, they were good guys to work with. It's how I was let go and the feeling that I would be arrested for trespassing if I were to step a foot on the property.
It's not a rational fear, I don't actually thing anything bad would happen. About 2.5 years ago I decided to put my resume out there just to see what kind of interest I would receive. I got an offer from a company about 3 blocks from my house (at this time my round trip commute was about 1.5 hours). I told my then boss that I had a doctor's appointment and went on the interview. I did several interviews and they offered me a job. I contemplated the offer and decided to take it, thinking my old boss wouldn't come close to offering me the same salary. I told him about it and gave him my two weeks notice. "How much are they offering you" he asked me... I told him and he said no problem, we can match that. "Oh, crap" I thought.. I didn't actually think he would do this. "Well, if I were to stay here it would have to be for $x,000 more than this offer. "Ok, that's fine".... major Oh Crap now... So I tell him that I'll stay on at this new figure.
I go back to my desk and wonder why I didn't have the balls to stand my ground and give my two weeks like I had made up my mind to. I knew I didn't have a future at this small family owned company, so wrote a letter to my boss and left it on his desk that night telling him that I'm taking the other job (I only left a letter because he already left)
He called me into his office the next morning and let me go right then and there. With only one additional paycheck... while the law says you are entitled to two weeks pay for two weeks notice, I didn't want any more hard feelings and I was able to start and the new job the next day anyway. My old boss also told me my job would still be there if I wanted to come back.
My next job pretty much sucked though. I came to find out last week while talking to a friend (who is to this day a current employee of... I'll call them Suck & Associates) that I was only hired for this one big job they had. If I would have known my position was only intended to be short-term I wouldn't have taken it. Why the asshats didn't tell me this in the multiple interviews I had to take to get the job I have no idea.
To this day I am friends with the guy who I worked there with, we were talking the other day about what a sucky place it is. The bosses are total control freaks and hate technology. They rue the day that the computer became prominent in the architecture/design industry and would always require we do things "the right way" (more like the long ass, hard, written by hand way). I'm constantly telling my friend to get out of there and into a real design firm, and leave on his own terms (instead of getting laid off like me).
The one good thing that came of this was the experience (and a damn good recommendation). It helped me get into the position I'm in now.. making more money in a large firm with room to move up the ladder.