Thursday, November 09, 2006

Wicked Nice Hangtime

Yeah, i've been doing pretty awesome at this blog updating so far. Life is pretty busy. Work is going good. My boss approched me and asked me if I wanted to become a licensed Architect or not, so I said "why not" (not really). So I guess now I get to start my 8 year internship and see what happens.

I've been getting paid to eat chicken lately, which is rather nice. Perdue has this Innovation Center here in town that does all sorts of experiments on chicken and then pay you to tell them what you think of it. The only drawback so far is the copious amounts of methane gas I have been producing since I started doing it. When I get back to work I have the habit of releasing gas with some "wicked nice hangtime" in other people's cubicles. I'm becoming a bit notorious for this, so maybe I should find something else to earn the awe of others around the office.

Holden told his little sister something funny the other night

"I like Dinosaurs, Money, and Singing"

I mean seriously, who dosen't like a good dinosaur. And money.. c'mon. He loves when you give him a penny so he can put it in his pocket. But if you give him a dollar he shows his disapproval with a frown and gives it right back asking for "money" (i.e. coins). And boy can Holden let loose with the singing. I got a funny video of him dancing, it's not him singing, but it's pretty funny.

The family is doing great. I wish I didn't have to work on the house all the damn time... but it's really coming together now. I'm getting about a week or two away from drywalling the kitchen and installing cabinetry.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


that is a hysterical video of Holden dancing! He is so funny!!

by the are just doing a wonderful job on the house. I know you both will be so proud of what you were able to accomplish.
I am proud of you guys.