Thursday, August 16, 2007

She's Money

So far so good with all 4 kids finally at home at the same time. Sure it's quite an ordeal going out and doing anything, but it's not as overwhelming as you would think. Lilah is doing good, of course she gets up several times during the course of the night, but being that I can't lactate that really doesn't affect me too much.

I cut our yard last weekend and it's already looking like a forest again. What a difference a month makes.. our yard went from brown and dusty to very green and lush. Although at the time I was missing having nice grass.. now, not so much. We have a riding lawnmower that we bought for $100, but it has issues. I don't really have the time or the money to dump into it at the moment, so hopefully this fall or over the winter I can get it going or find someone to work on it if I can't figure it out.

We brought our dog Lucas back home after a long time in Baltimore staying with Judie. Before he got shipped off he and the cats were finding a harmony around our house. Otis would flex is dominance over him and Abe would hide in the laundry room until the evening. Now, all of that is pretty much gone now. Once Luke catches a glimpse of a cat he's off to the races chasing them around and sliding all over our hardwood floors. It's highly annoying and not what you want to wake up to first thing in the morning. At least Luke didn't get into any dirty diapers and shred them all over the floor (yet).

Maria's mom friends got her a flower/plant arrangement for having the new baby... actually you would think that they got it as a fancy snack for the cat because they've eaten about all of it. That's the sad thing about cats, you can't really have any plants or flowers around the house cause your damn cats will eat them and make a huge freaking mess.


Amanda said...

i'm totally with you on the damn cats. do your's vomit after they eat it?? lucy does. drives me crazy. gabe can't get to the plants as he's way to fat to climb or jump up to wherever they would be displayed.

Chad said...

yes, our cats yack up green leafy bile... it's wonderful