Yes, we are finally moving into the new house. The new carpet is going in Monday (3/19/07) and I get the rest of our appliances on Tuesday. Only the upstairs will be livable, but it's gonna be nice to finally be in our own home again. This past year has been pretty tough on everyone in the family. I just wanna thank everybody who came out to help at various stages of the renovation.
I will also have more time to donate to this blog to make it something special... so do what I do and synchronize your watches!
How has no one commented on this?!!! This is the best picture, EVER. Of anyone! EVER! I am going to have it professionally printed and framed and hung on our living room wall!!!! YES IT IS THAT GOOD!
i agree with maria - best pic ever
it went right over my head, but once Maria explained to me that you superimposed yourself on the Back to the Future poster....well, it is pretty cool.
Maria sure seems to like you!
We want more!!! More blogs chad!
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