Monday, July 13, 2009

On Blogging....

Blogging has sort of gotten boring to me. I'm not going to start up with the same frequency that I had before. I will post something when I find it truly amusing or enlightening.

Yesterday we were up in Baltimore (Fells Point) going to a flea market, and just basically walking around by the harbor and grabbed a bit to eat at a sidewalk bistro.. where all the waiters were very... ummm... good dressers with fancy hair (you understand)?

Maria walks back to put more money in the parking meter while I take the boys in to use the bathroom. Maria runs into the restaurant to find me yelling out "the car is gone, someone stole the car!". I don't get too worked up at this point. I take the boys and tell her I'll go down to verify. I get to the spot I left the car and what do you know, there it is sitting there in all it's glory in the same spot we left it only a few hours ago. I call Maria and tell her the car's gone... to be met with about 5 seconds of silence on Maria's end... until I know I'm being mean and let her know it's still there.

She got really pissed when I started joking around with her about the whole thing... and I told her I was going to blog about it. She cussed me out a bit and I told her I was joking, then last night after we got home she complained to me that "you don't blog anymore" and I told her I would if I could tell the car story.

"Go ahead", she said.


Anonymous said...

hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....

fireflymom said...

Just had to laugh out loud at this post.