Monday, February 11, 2008


A sorta funny moment at Church Sunday... Maria sits next to me while I run the media most every Sunday morning. Phil (our worship leader.. who sings the songs) has taken over typing in new songs into MediaShout for me beforehand. Well this Sunday there were a few grammar mistakes in the songs and Maria leaned over and was like "that's not right".. I'm like "I know, I know.. nothing I can do about it now" moments later Jim (our sound guy) leans over my other shoulder and asks "where are all the apostrophes?"

I think for a second as said "You'll have to ask Phil about that" I'm sure Jesus LOL'd

And Barack Obama visited my house yesterday, left a bunch of crap on my porch and made me waffles

The End

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

2 of our girls at church critique the church sign the same way (you forgot the apostrophe, or that's in the wrong tense...blah blah..)'s hard to come up with non-corny sayings with only 3 lines to work with!!