Monday, February 25, 2008

Maybe he's a wizard?

So Maria and I take the kids to our local Chuck E Cheese here in Salisbury. We print out a coupon and got a pizza, 4 drinks & like 40 tokens for 18 bucks... not too shabby. So we are heading out and getting the kids some toys with their tickets. The guy getting the stuff is really talkative, and missing most of his teeth. He's nice enough and tries to initiate small talk, and we return the volley.

We are heading out the door and the guy says "Have a magical night!" Maria tries her hardest not to bust out laughing and says thank you. As soon as we are out the door we wonder if that is what you hear when you leave Epcot Center.

Or maybe he had his ipod on repeat on this song?

When I'm with my friends then it's magic in the air-air
Good vibrations always surround us
Play some good music, the moment has left
Happiness and joy's everywhere-ere-ere

So have a good a time, everyone have some fu-u-un
People leave your problems behind you
Come and sing along, join in on my song
Sing about this magical ni-i-ight

Magic night - magic's in the music
It's a magic night - we all need the music
We can have a good time
And enjoy all the magical vibes of this great -
Magic night - good friends all around you
It's a magic night - magic sure will find you
So let's all try tonight to feel love
Coming from inside each other

When I'm with my friends, friends with whom I can share-are-are
All my ups and downs and betweens with
When I'm with my boys, the moments are clear
So much love is found in the air-air-air

Magic's when I come, together with my frie-ie-iends
People from the world all around us
Sharing good things we all love to share
So much love is found in the air-air-air

Magic night - magic's in the music
It's a magic night - we all need the music
We can have a good time and enjoy all the magical vibes
Of this great magic night - good friends all around you
It's a magic night - magic sure will find you
So let's all try tonight and feel love
Coming from inside each other

Ahh-ahh, ahh-ahh-ahh - so much magi-ic
Ahh-ahh, ahh-ahh-ahh - so much magi-i-i-i-ic
Ahh-ahh, ahh-ahh-ahh - so much magi-ic

Magic night - magic's in the music
It's a magic night - we all need the music
We can have a good time
And enjoy all the magical vibes of this great
Magic night - good friends all around you

This song completely encapsulates the vibe of the night. Especially the part about all the magical vibes and the music. I swear I heard this song playing in my head... it was magical.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

"Ballad Of Cherishing"

I have become hooked on a website called This website sells stuff. One item everyday. Sometimes the item is cool and sometimes it's something not so cool. About every 2 months they do something called a woot-off, where they sell a new item every 5 -15 minutes (however long it takes to sell out. I have all my co-workers hooked on it too.

Just this past week during a woot-off was able to purchase 3 items that are the hardest to buy items that they sell on their site.

A Bag Of Crap

I was able to order 3 of them finally after about 6 months of trying. They don't go on sale too often and when they do they sell out in seconds, (this past "Beloved Organ-shaped Candy" sold out in a bit over 6 seconds.. at a pace of one "Burly Overgrown Chevy" every .017 seconds... 4500 total). Each bag of crap is $1 and the shipping for all 3 is $5. Everything they sell ships for $5 and Maria and I have bought plenty so far. 2 Zunes, A Roomba, A Dyson Vacuum, A Zune Dock... the list goes on and on.

Well, back to the bag of crap..all they do is throw random stuff in a box and mail it to you, sometimes it is truly crap.. used stuff, broken stuff. Sometimes it's gag gifts or funny stuff. Sometimes it's something really nice... like really nice.

Should have it by the end of next week. I'll let you know what I get.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Peyton Manning Was There

Maria and I took a CPR class on Saturday at the YMCA. It's a great class to take, especially if you have kids. This class was by The American Red Cross & focused on child/infant choking & CPR. Learned a LOT about what to do in an emergency. I think every parent should take this class if they want to be well prepared for... an emergency.

4 hours + 20 bucks = worth it

Monday, February 11, 2008

Gullible Much?

Everybody reading this has a computer right? OK, I'd say probably most if not all of you have an email account or know someone who has one, right? OK, most people have received mass emails trying to scare/fool/trick/convince of some ridiculous scheme or point of view that seems plausible when reading the email. OK, great.

I want to share something with you from deep within my sources inside the inter-tubes (He sorta resembles the banker on Deal Or No Deal) At least 99.2% of those mass emails are full of made-up crap.

Next time before taking one of those factious emails and running with it.. try visiting and maybe look it up beforehand?


A sorta funny moment at Church Sunday... Maria sits next to me while I run the media most every Sunday morning. Phil (our worship leader.. who sings the songs) has taken over typing in new songs into MediaShout for me beforehand. Well this Sunday there were a few grammar mistakes in the songs and Maria leaned over and was like "that's not right".. I'm like "I know, I know.. nothing I can do about it now" moments later Jim (our sound guy) leans over my other shoulder and asks "where are all the apostrophes?"

I think for a second as said "You'll have to ask Phil about that" I'm sure Jesus LOL'd

And Barack Obama visited my house yesterday, left a bunch of crap on my porch and made me waffles

The End

Friday, February 08, 2008

Like I needed another excuse

I am an NFL fan. I love watching the games, I love playing fantasy football (maybe even more than watching the games). I like to root for the Chiefs.. as hard as that's been the past few years. And I like the Ravens plenty too.

Other than that, I generally root for the underdog in most sporting events. I was pulling hard for the Giants in the Super Bowl. Partly because I don't like the Pats.. I feel like they've won enough Superbowls the past 7 years... their coach is a douche and I just don't like how smug they are. I'm like that with all dynasties in sports.

Hate 'em

Like I needed another excuse

Monday, February 04, 2008


Saw a few movies over the past week. "The Prestige" & "Children of Men" Both were excellent... the last movie before these Maria and I tried to watch was the second "Pirates of the Carribean" and we both fell asleep about 30 minutes into it (it was soooo booring). I've never been a huge movie buff.. but going on a good streak of movies like that gets you amped to watch another one. We really had no idea about either movie before we watched it... it's better when you go into it without any preconceived notions about how good or bad it's going to be.

Maria posted this on her blog.. but yeah, Pearl is potty trained. She's always shown an interest in using the toilet.. so one day Maria just put her in normal underwear and she didn't have an accident. Day after day of this and now here we are, only 2 weeks later and 2.5 weeks before her second birthday... potty trained.

I told Maria if Pearl was our first we would have thought Holden was broken. Pearl has never been hard to put to bed for a nap/bedtime... she's never bad in public... she doesn't like getting dirty (divaitis). So far we are a 5.0 on the Parental Richter Scale.